Split Pavers
At 1 ¼” thick, Split Pavers provide a usual compromise between Thin Pavers and Face Brick Pavers.
Like Face Brick Pavers, Splits can be used for sand-set installations, although these should be limited to pedestrian, not vehicular, traffic.
Like Thin Pavers, Splits can offer a better color match to our Face Brick and Thin Brick. The colors on the paving surfaces of face brick pavers can be muted for some of our brick colors. Other brick colors are simply not available on face brick pavers. Splits, on the other hand, can incorporate the full color ranges of all our bricks.
Splits are also easier and cheaper to ship long distances, because they weigh only half as much as face brick pavers. This can make a big difference in the cost of a brick pavement.
Matching bullnose trim pieces are available for stairs and copings.